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“AG 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!”三星共和国的挫败 Note 7召回打击韩国

点击量:220    时间:2024-09-25
  本文摘要:South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire.韩国釜山——本月,前韩国教师金正民(Kim Jeong-min,音)在日本成田机场(Narita Airport)看见电视新闻报导称之为,三星电子(Samsung Electronics)的盖乐世Note 7智能手机(Galaxy Note 7)因更容易发生爆炸而被禁令拿着飞机。

South Korean teacher, Kim Jeong-min was at Narita Airport in Japan this month when he watched a television news report that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone was banned on airplanes because it was prone to catching fire.韩国釜山——本月,前韩国教师金正民(Kim Jeong-min,音)在日本成田机场(Narita Airport)看见电视新闻报导称之为,三星电子(Samsung Electronics)的盖乐世Note 7智能手机(Galaxy Note 7)因更容易发生爆炸而被禁令拿着飞机。Mr. Kim, 58, said he had felt humiliated, as if the non-Koreans in the airport lounge were looking at him.58岁的金正民称之为,他深感后悔,样子候机厅里的非韩国人都在看他。Though he does not own a Galaxy Note 7, his reaction was typical of the intense feelings South Koreans hold toward Samsung, the most dramatic corporate success story to emerge from the country’s transformation from a war-torn agrarian nation to a global economic powerhouse.虽然他没盖乐世Note 7,但他的反应体现出有韩国人对三星抱有的典型的反感感情。

三星是这个国家从遭到战争毁坏的农耕国家改变为全球经济强国过程中经常出现的最激动人心的商业顺利故事。“Whether we like it or not, Samsung is to the global market what our national team is in the Olympics,” Mr. Kim said.“不管我们讨厌与否,三星在全球市场上相等于奥运会上的韩国代表团,”金正民说道。

Calling Samsung this country’s biggest and most profitable company hardly describes its special (but not always favorable) place in minds here. Some South Koreans say they live in the “Republic of Samsung.”称之为三星是韩国仅次于、最赚的公司还足以叙述它在韩国人民心中的类似(但不总是热门的)地位。有些韩国人说道他们生活在“三星共和国”。Life can literally begin and end with Samsung: One can be born in a Samsung hospital; attend a Samsung university; honeymoon in a Samsung hotel; stock a Samsung-built apartment with Samsung appliances bought with a Samsung credit card; take children to Samsung amusement parks; and have one’s body, upon death, taken to a Samsung funeral center.一个韩国人的一生有可能从头到尾都与三星有关系:他有可能出生于在三星的一家医院里;上了一所三星的大学;在三星的一家酒店里度蜜月;在三星辟的公寓里装进用三星信用卡卖的三星电器;带上孩子去三星的游乐场;去世后,遗体被运往三星的一家殡仪馆。

For South Koreans, the company’s progression from an assembler of clunky transistor radio sets to the world’s leading producer of flat-panel television sets, computer chips and smartphones is a source of national pride. Last year, Samsung accounted for 20 percent of South Korea’s $527 billion in exports. That pride was dented, and economic unease deepened, when Samsung recalled more than three million Note 7 smartphones globally and decided not to produce any more because some devices heated up and burst into flames.对韩国人来说,这家公司从一个组装轻巧晶体管收音机的工厂发展沦为生产平板电视、电脑芯片和智能手机的世界领先企业是该国的一个自豪。去年,三星的出口额占到韩国5270亿美元的总出口额的20%。因有些设备短路并发生爆炸,三星在全球解任300多万部Note 7智能手机,并要求仍然生产这款手机,这让韩国人的荣誉感受到损害,并加剧了他们对经济的忧虑感觉。“This is not just Samsung’s trouble. It’s trouble for the entire economy,” the opposition leader Moon Jae-in, a potential contender in next year’s presidential election, said this month, referring to the Note 7 crisis. “Because people take pride in Samsung as a brand representing South Korea, it is their trouble, too.”“这不只是三星的困难。

它是整个经济的困难,”本月,反对党领导人文在寅(Moon Jae-in) 在驳回Note 7的危机时回应。他是明年总统大选的一个潜在竞争者。“因为人们指出三星代表着韩国,为它深感自豪,所以这也是他们的困难。

”On Thursday, President Park Geun-hye voiced concern about the Galaxy Note 7 recall’s impact on exports. The economy has taken recent hits from rising unemployment rates and the bankruptcy of Hanjin, a major shipping company. Its shipyards, among the world’s largest, are laying off thousands after posting huge losses because of shrinking orders and competition from lower-cost rivals in China.周四,朴槿惠总统(Park Geun-hye)就垫乐世Note 7的解任对出口的影响回应忧虑。最近,该国经济早已因为失业率下降和大型船运公司韩进(Hanjin)的倒闭而受到压制。

该国的造船厂挤身世界仅次于造船厂之佩,但是由于订单增加以及来自中国的低成本输掉的竞争,它们经常出现巨额亏损,造成数以千计的员工离职。Samsung is the best-known brand name South Korea has ever produced, ranking seventh in the 100 best global brands compiled by Interbrand, a brand consultancy. Its Galaxy smartphones have lifted its — and by extension South Korea’s — high-tech image more than any other Korean product.到目前为止,三星是韩国最知名的品牌,在品牌咨询公司Interbrand投票决定的全球最佳品牌100强劲中,三星名列第七。盖乐世智能手机在提高该公司以及该国的高科技形象方面作出了多达其他任何韩国产品的贡献。

Having already overtaken Sony and other Japanese companies it once mimicked, Samsung has grown powerful enough to challenge Apple, an icon of American innovation.三星早已打破它曾多次仿效的索尼(Sony)等日本公司,显得十分强劲,不足以挑战美国创新能力的标志苹果公司(Apple)。To many South Koreans, the Note 7 recall, the biggest ever in the mobile phone industry, is just another painful lesson for Samsung to learn from and pay for — the recall is estimated to cost it $6.2 billion — in its quest to dominate yet another industry.对很多韩国人来说,Note7的解任只是三星希望在另一个行业占有主导地位的过程中汲取的悲痛教训和代价的沈重代价。

此次是手机行业最大规模的解任行动,成本估算高达62亿美元。“All manufacturing companies, including the American and Japanese, make mistakes,” said Park Bo-yeon, 29, who was recently browsing in a handset shop in downtown Seoul where a notice urged customers to hand in Note 7s. “What matters is whether you can learn from them and move on. Samsung always has.”“所有的生产企业,还包括美国和日本的,都罪过错误,”29岁的朴宝妍(Park Bo-yeon,音)说道。

前不久,她在釜山市中心一家手机店里网页商品。店里张贴了一个提醒,呼吁顾客交还Note 7。


”Ms. Park suspected that the Note 7 fiasco had been overblown by the American news media, which she said looked down on Samsung. She said she was disappointed that Samsung had failed to explain why some Note 7s heated up and caught fire. But she was equally impressed by Samsung’s “courageous decision to terminate the Note 7 before anyone died.”朴宝妍猜测,美国新闻媒体因为看不起三星,过分图形了Note 7的此次失利。她说道自己对三星没说明有些Note 7短路并发生爆炸的原因深感沮丧。

不过,她也某种程度很敬佩三星“在没经常出现丧生案例之前要求中止生产Note 7的勇气”。Among South Koreans, though, the name Samsung also evokes greed and secrecy. They often describe the company as a predator that makes profits not so much through innovation as by ruthlessly squeezing its numerous domestic parts suppliers.不过在韩国人眼中,三星这个名字也代表着自私和诡秘。他们常常把这个公司形容为掠夺者,它不仅是通过创意利润,更好的是通过无情地榨取国内的众多零件供应商。

And Samsung has never shaken off its image as an imitator, though a highly efficient one. (Last year, it was ordered to pay $548 million in damages to Apple for infringing on its iPhone design patents, a case that is now at the United States Supreme Court.)而且三星未曾挣脱模仿者的形象,虽然它是一个十分高效的模仿者(去年,因侵权行为用于iPhone的设计专利,三星被勒令向苹果赔偿金5.48亿美元的损失,目前该案正在美国最高法院审理)。The Note 7 disaster raised more doubt about Samsung’s reputation. It also reminded South Koreans that their export-driven economy depended so heavily on Samsung and a handful of other family-controlled conglomerates, or chaebol, that they often feel it is held hostage to them.Note 7的灾难加剧了人们对三星声誉的批评,也让韩国人再度想起,他们以出口驱动的经济十分反感地依赖三星和其他少数几个由家族掌控的企业集团(又叫财团),他们常常实在韩国遭到了这些财团杀害。

“The saying that Samsung’s good and bad luck is our country’s good and bad luck is propaganda manufactured by Samsung and media and politicians beholden to it,” said Kim Sang-gyun, 32, who was visiting the same shop as Ms. Park. “Why should I worry about Samsung’s trouble unless I owned a Samsung share or Note 7? And I don’t.”“三星的命运就是我们国家的命运——这是三星以及受益于它的媒体和政客们宣传出来的,”32岁的金尚坤(Kim Sang-gyun,音)说道。和朴宝妍一样,他也是那家手机店的顾客。“如果我没持有人三星的股票或享有一部Note 7,我为什么要担忧三星的困难?我不担忧。”Samsung is the most successful among the chaebol, which spearheaded South Korea’s industrialization by copying foreign competitors’ products but making them cheaper, better and faster.三星是韩国最顺利的财团,它通过仿照外国竞争者的产品并生产出更低廉、更佳用、速度更慢的产品而领导韩国的工业化进程。

China is now using the same model to threaten South Korea in the industries it has dominated through the “fast follower” strategy: shipbuilding, semiconductor and smartphones. South Korea sees itself as in a constant race to catch up with innovators like Apple while struggling to keep a step ahead of Chinese rivals.现在,在韩国通过“较慢仿效”战略占有主导地位的行业,中国在以某种程度的模式威胁韩国,比如在造船、半导体和智能手机领域。韩国指出自己在大大追上苹果等创新者,同时希望领先于来自中国的输掉们。The Note 7 humiliation left many South Koreans wondering whether Samsung — and South Korea in general — is stumbling in that race.Note 7的耻辱让很多韩国人担忧,三星以及整个韩国正在那场竞赛中遭遇重创。

“They say Samsung is the strongest among our country’s businesses,” said Mr. Kim, the former teacher. “That’s why its Note 7 failure worries me. It kind of shows our limit.”“他们说道三星是我们国家最强劲的公司,”曾兼任教师的金正民说道,“这是Note 7的告终让我担忧的原因。它或许表明出有我们的局限性。

本文关键词:AG 尊龙凯时,AG 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

本文来源:AG 尊龙凯时-www.victory-cn.net

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